Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Cities can be rebuilt, personal possessions can be replaced..

..but stolen lives can never be returned.

Today's entry is to highlight the recent tragedy that occured in Japan. I would like to post excerpts from my friends' blog posts regarding their views about said incident.
I think this is just the beginning of major changes that are about to come. We will only know the meaning of happiness after we have defined sadness and destruction. I'm still counting my blessings till this day and the time when I'm at my happiest could be someone's darkest. When we're all snuggled up and warm in our beds at night, we should take a moment to realize what our future holds and how just 5 minutes destruction can change everything.
©Fiona Boon.

I hate it when people make fun of things that matter.

"But Aiysyah, it's in Japan/Philippines/Hawaii/Russia - not Malaysia. So why bother worrying?"

Because their pain is worth of my worries. Lives of strangers matter way more than your petty problems. They matter way more than my own petty problems.
©Siti Aiysyah.

I don't feel very chatty about natural disasters like this. It makes me feel like I'm all talk and no action.

With our own set of everyday problems, I would like the readers of this very humble blog of mine to watch Christine's tribute video. It really serves as a reminder to all of us how lucky we are. And honestly, I don't know how much longer we can stay this fortunate to natural disasters of such an extreme rate. The state of Earth is constantly changing, you know.

Let us keep Japan in our prayers.


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!