Thursday, 7 October 2010
Your Dancing Shoes Are On Fire.

Post-SPM Activity #2:
Learn a form of dance.
-Dance, ©NaturalBornCreative.-

I remember when I was a young kid, the first form of dance that I wanted to pick up was ballet. In my primary school days, I knew a lot of my friends who took up ballet. I guess that's where the influence came from.

Back then, my parents couldn't afford for me to learn ballet. I have to admit, it isn't cheap at all. Besides, my parents made it up to me by letting me learn the piano instead. No regrets, really!

I find ballet a very graceful form of dance. Till this very moment, I still appreciate seeing ballet at its best. I don't find it boring at all, seriously.

But for me to learn ballet after SPM, I personally don't think so. Obviously I would fail miserably in body flexibility. And I might risk breaking a bone or two. You should see the point by now.

I'm considering hip-hop. Maybe street dancing. I might even go contemporary. And there is always pole dancing! If you happen to be narrow-minded and think that pole dancing is something raunchy and naughty, get out and explore the world for goodness' sake.

It's a good way to keep fit. And besides modelling and photography, dance is another beautiful form of art which is capable of expressing emotions and creative thoughts.

I'm really into the arts, in case you don't already know by now.
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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!