Monday, 13 September 2010
I'm On My Way To Believing II.

this is a reminder that you're not alone,
and friends like us lasts forever wherever we may be.
I know its hard and the feeling of isolation sucks to the max.
And it messes with your head sometimes when your guard is down.
But don't think of us as if we'll fade into the darkness as time goes by cause we'll always be with you, in your heart, and you, in ours.
Nothing can change that.
Promise :)

© Rachel Chua.

those are awesome words,
from an awesome person.
You have no idea how reassured I feel now.

I am indeed pretty much isolated.
And it did get to my head.
Nearly lost my sanity there.
Thankfully I didn't completely lose it.

I know I keep saying that I love you guys a lot.
It might look like I don't really mean what I say,
since the continuous usage of those three words,
decreases their value in time.

But I really don't know how to express myself -
how lucky I am to have attended RYLA back then.
how blessed I am to know you people.
how grateful I am for friends like these.

My life really is more complete,
with awesome friends in it.

Thank you Rachel.
Thank you awesomenesses.


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!