Friday, 10 September 2010
Forgive and Forget.

I would like to share about two phone calls that I received earlier. It's through the house phone by the way.

L refers to Leonie, C stands for Caller. Said caller sounds like an elderly Malay man around his sixties.

L: Hello?
C: Hello?
L: Ya? *turns Malay slang on*
C: Nak cari BzzzzBzzzBzzzz.. (I knew he was looking for someone, but I couldn't hear who.)
L: Siapa?
C: Nak cari Haji Haikal!
L: Salah nombor!
C: Owh, salah nombor eh?
L: A'ah!
C: Okay!
-end of conversation-

*phone rings again*
L: Hello?
C: Hello! Eh, memang salah eh?
L: Ya, memang salah!
C: Oh..ni bukan Plentong, Masai eh?
L: Permas Jaya lah!
C: Ya lah, Plentong ngan Permas sama kan?
L: Tak! (To my knowledge, Plentong and Permas Jaya are two different places, but both are in Masai. Enlighten me if I'm wrong.)
C: Ni bukan Jalan Permas 1/14 ke?
L: Tak lah!
C: Okay, terima kasih!
L: Selamat Hari Raya!
C: Ya ya..waalaikumussalam!
-end of conversation-

Truly epic, I tell you.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all of my friends. In true 1Malaysia spirit, we celebrate together, makan awesome food together, and enjoy the holidays together. It doesn't matter, regardless of race and religion. Quoted from dear Khai from her Facebook status. (:

Cheers you all, and have a great one.


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!