Saturday, 31 July 2010
Thank You.

Though she has departed for the other side,
she is a strong woman who fought cancer for years.
It's really amazing.

I mentioned before in a previous entry,
that I had watched her documentary before on Channel 8.
That was how I got to know about Shin.

I was really touched by her story.
I searched for her blog and yes, I found it.
I really wanted to contact her,
and just tell her of a then fifteen year-old girl,
who was very inspired by her battle against cancer.

I gathered enough courage to email her.
Here's how it went.
Hello there =)

I'd just read your latest blog entry and yes, I'm another who had watched the short documentary on Channel 8 yesterday night. I must say I was and still am very touched by the documentary. And I'm very impressed with your determination and strong-willed personality to continue living life in such a positive light. It seems that all the problems that I go through as a fifteen year old Malaysian student are just not as major compared to what you're currently facing. I'm just very wowed by your efforts in everything you do, and how you're living life to the fullest everyday. From that one documentary, I'd learnt a lot from your optimism. Really.

Maybe you'd read similar emails like mine but I'm really sincere about every single word that I'm typing right now. I'm not very good with words either, so if you'd felt offended by my email I truly apologize.

Anyhow, I wish you all the best in your battle against cancer.

Best wishes,

PS : Do say hi to Toby and Josie for me if you don't mind :)

5th November 2008.
I never expected a reply, but Shin did reply to my email. I would like to share with my readers here her email to me.

Thanks for your kind e-mail. It's taken me a while to respond because I only just saw it. I look at my Gmail account once every week or so. This Yahoo account is more reliable if you want to contact me.

I truly appreciate your words of praise and encouragement.

You say that you're a 15-year-old Malaysian student and that you're not good with words? You should know that your short note was more articulate, well-written, and intelligently expressed than most of the comments I've been getting - many of them, adult professionals.

I don't know what you plan on doing with your future, but with your gift of expression, I think you've got a bright future ahead of you, professionally. And more important, you seem to have a maturity and insight beyond your age. I'm betting that you go on do something great with your life - not in terms of money or fame, but something that will make a difference to the people and the community around you.

Thanks, and good luck to you.


11th November 2008.
My only regret?

I never got to reply her email.

Not long after,
I revisited her blog.
Just to find out that she had finally succumbed to cancer.

I still remember,
back then,
I cried so badly.
I felt angry at myself for not replying her right away.
Instead, I procrastinated.

Indeed, procrastination has cost me a lot.

And now, after two years,
I find myself battling with cancer as well.

I have friends asking me this question,

"Leonie, how do you stay this strong and happy despite your condition?"

here's my answer.

My family members who are always there for me.
My friends with their undying support and love for me.
School teachers who are constantly praying for me.
Tuition teachers who are concerned for me.
Juniors and seniors alike with their well-wishes.
Acquaintances who wish me all the best.
Strangers who just want me to know that I am loved.

Shin is my inspiration to fight strongly as well.

Not forgetting,
I'm only going to be Kong Leonie in this lifetime.

I'm proud of my identity,
and I want to live on,
for there are so many things in life I have yet to do and achieve.

My mum and aunt recently told me two things.

"In a day,
you can choose to either live through that day happily or sadly.
Why choose to be sad,
when you could choose to be happy?
Life is unpredictable.
You don't know when you're going to breathe your last.
Might as well make life worthwhile while we're still here."

"Even if your body is sick,
don't let your heart fall sick as well."

I'm holding on to their words.
This is what's keeping me going.

I'll survive in this battlefield. ;)


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!