Saturday, 26 June 2010
Poker Face II.

I'm now coming out,
to everybody who knows me.
This is the real me.
-Looking for myself, ©Jojonel.-

I myself did not expect a Part II of this entry. But here I am, to explain my perspective of being a bisexual.

This entry is for a friend whom I still regard as friend, one that I respect because of his fantastic art skills. One that is eccentric is his own special way. One that is a unique individual who is who he is today, because of his uniqueness.

And a friend he may no longer be, because he hates bisexuals. His words.

And ouch, they hurt.

His words actually hurt me because I love him as a friend. His opinion does matter to me, in a way.

So, it's a choice between me losing my identity and losing a dear friend.

Before I decide on anything, hear me out.

The scientific and religious theory of why God created Man and Woman. One of the reasons is to ensure that humans do not extinct. Hence said friend's 'hole and stick theory'. With bisexuality, infertility among humans occur.

Okay, first up, not all humans are bisexuals. I can safely say, the majority of us human beings living on Earth are heterosexuals. There's definitely low chances of human beings facing extinction, because there are the majority of heterosexuals that help to ensure the existence of the future generations. We have so many cases of abandoned babies. In my opinion, I actually think we're facing overpopulation right now.

Secondly, I'm aware that my choice in being a bisexual might be against Nature. Against God. Against the laws of life. But being a bisexual does not mean I'll be in a sexual relationship with people of the same sex. At this age, when I say that I'm a bisexual, it's more to 'mutual attraction to both sexes'. Who knows, I might be a lesbian when I'm older? Or I might just grow out of being a bisexual. So many people at this age of being teenagers or young adults are confused or unsure of their sexuality. At least I know I'm quite sure. For the time being.

Thirdly, I'm not influencing other people to be bisexuals. I'm not encouraging same-gender sex at all. I never said that. So, if I have to sin, at least I knew I sinned being myself. I'm not forcing other people to sin. I chose to sin, by choosing to be myself. If I have to go to Hell for this, by all means. Even if this choice of being a bisexual is a mistake, all humans make mistakes. This is a phase in my life. I'm not forcing people to go through this similar phase. Like I said before, this revolves around choices. I made my choice, other people are free to make theirs.

Fourthly, being a bisexual does not make me any different from you, you and you. Only my sexual preferences differ slightly. I eat, I sleep, I go to school, I make friends, I study. I like music, I like books, I like the arts. I love photography, I love fashion. Being a bisexual does not affect my everyday life with my family and friends. Sure, only my brother knows I'm bi in my entire family. And not all of my friends know. But hey, I still live life like a normal teen.

Therefore, here are my reasons.

Friend, I know you're a devout Christian. And I'm aware that bisexuality is against God's teachings, God's words, God's creations. I attend my school's Christian Fellowship, even though I'm not a Christian. I like to learn about other religions, not only Buddhism. In fact, I think I'm more learned in Christianity and Islam than my own religion.

So, maybe you want to save me from sinning any further. I understand your good intentions. I'm thankful for your concern.

But friend, if you really cannot accept me for who I am, I'll respect your decision in not being friends with me anymore.

I'm sorry if that happens, really.

But I cannot please everybody, I cannot change myself according to what people expect of me.

I apologise, friend.


And to my classmates, just a friendly reminder.

Being a bisexual is not equal to bisexual sex.


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!