Monday, 17 May 2010
Cross Culture.

And that's the theme for my school's Teacher's Day celebrations this year. Honestly, I still haven’t figured out how the theme connects to the decorations and the performances though.

Attendance today wasn’t as extremely horrible bad as Saturday’s.

First job of the day? Place cupcakes into the bags that serve as door gifts.

The two designs are as of the following:

I like the first one more though. The pink flowers were waaay more ah-dorable but since they were already placed into separate bags, I just had to settle with random cupcakes from randomly picked bags.

Took pictures on the red carpet with some friends. It was fun knowing we had to rush because we never knew when the teachers would just appear out of nowhere witnessing our crime. :D

This year’s decorations were extravagant. We had Christmas lights, a flamboyantly-decorated arch, two large vases of artificial white roses, and a long winding pathway of red carpets. Yes, carpets with a ‘s’.

The colour purple was really flooding the hall today. That colour never fails to remind me of Vee and Irene, who loves purple. (:

I thought I would feel so lost today, thankfully Anna and Azri were easy to spot and I also was lucky to have the company of Nadwa, Ain, Salmi and Shera. Hung out with them 95% for today, and I’m ever so grateful for that.

Bullying Hana during recess was also uber awesome. :P

Highlights of the day:
  • En. Ismail with his cowboy hat and blue accoustic guitar singing 500 Miles and Top of the World with some other teachers and one staff member. He looked damn cool! ;D
  • The practical/new teachers dancing to Bad Romance. The lead was certainly enjoying herself. Hahah!
  • The sketch by the practical/new teachers. I was randomly asked by Munnie to be the person who carries the cards depicting the different time zones in the sketch at the very last minute. My major part got cut out, but for being part of the madness backstage, it was pretty awesome. (:
  • Referring to the matter above, I was told I was cute, thanks to El. And Anna said I was prancing on stage. Oh gosh. Lol much! :3
  • Miss Low who got 'Teacher of the Year' with her shiny bling-bling tiara. Yes you read that right.
  • Cik Mahani and Chee-sensei made a lot of effort to dress up for the event. The only teachers I took pictures with for today. :]
On another note, I hope the person who stole Liyana's stuff will actually figure out how idiotic she is in taking something that doesn't belong to her.

Mid-years starting from tomorrow.

I guess that marks a hiatus till the holidays most probably.

Take care y'all, and stay alive!

Credits to Anna Sabrina Ahmad Sopian. (:


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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!