Monday, 8 March 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
Electrifying Excellence.

Summary of what has been going on with my life for the past few days. (:
Thursday, 4th March 2010.
Basically, my next line would be something common you might have heard from other fifth formers my age.
My last Sports Day as a student had just came and went, just like that.
I lost my gloves right after marching. God knows why I was so upset over a pair of gloves.
Maybe I’m just a sucker for items of sentimental values.
Note: That pair of gloves used to be my brother’s. I had always used his gloves whenever I took part in marching. So yearh.
In any case, we got second place for marching, as I had already stated in my previous entry.
Thankfully, while I’m still the vice-captain for Green House this year, I’m just really glad we didn’t get last place. (:
A major mess-up with the food for the Green House members happened. The teacher had clearly ordered chicken Ramly burgers for everyone. Unfortunately, only beef burgers were to be seen. Great.
Hung out with the band girls with Gurpreet. Had fun with all them seniors, aka our batch. Sarah played Anna’s birthday song on her flute, I’ll upload that on Facebook soon. ;)
The Japanese students that were there did two dances, and seriously, they got a lot of attention, considering their dance was pretty simple. Just imagine SIGS-ians dancing like that. Most probably they’ll get booed at.
She actually looked nice with it.
Unlike me. LOL.
In the end, we sang the school song in an obnoxiously loud manner before heading back home.
Friday, 5th March 2010.
I was one of the MCs with Hazel, and I was given a script in Japanese, which I gratefully thank Chee-sensei for.
And to those who asked, yes, I retyped my script in Romaji form because if I stuck to Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji for the event, I would had probably embarrassed myself and the school. I rather not risk anything.
Especially when we have international guests!
Apparently, I sounded convincing to our Japanese visitors, especially the teachers.
Because in between breaks, all four of them approached me in some way or another, speaking to me in fluent Japanese.
Only God knows what they were talking about.
But they were very encouraging, especially Yumiko-sensei. She’s an English teacher, and she kept on finding time to talk to me throughout the day. She’s really nice and encouraging, she would be the only one smiling and nodding at me every time I’m up there speaking Japanese.
I needed the reassurance, so a big domou arigatou gozaimasu to Yumiko-sensei. :)
During their tour around the school, I was in the music room all along. Anna played the piano and sang to Angela Aki’s Sakurairo and Tegami. The Japanese girls were impressed! Proud of you, Anna-chan! ;)
Besides, a common interest was found. We all went ‘Angela Akiiiiiii!!’ at the same time. xD
It was an unforgettable moment when I played the gereteh accompanied by Hazel with the tingkah, Pn Rozi and even one of the senior teachers from Japan playing the gendang! Nearly all of our guests were there, and the applause was just..amazing. I never felt so good about myself and the performance itself after such a long time. :]
I didn’t have a partner, because I was one of the MCs. But I managed to talk to most of the students, and of course, Yumiko-sensei kept me company. Though most of the time, I have no idea what she was saying. I just nodded, and smiled. Think they were the appropriate responses, since she didn’t say anything negative. :D
I’ll miss this day. A lot.
Had a long talk with Izz before class started. Thanks man. I really needed to rant all these pent-up emotions. (:
Saturday, 6th March 2010.
Gurpreet, Xin Yun and I went to Convent to celebrate Thinking Day. We waited for ages at school, being told to wait at the porch before 7.30AM, and what do you know.
We left for Convent around 8.00AM. =.=
The first thing we were told when we reached there?
Long story, never mind about that.
I remembered panicking over the V-shaped formation we were supposed to do, but thankfully that ended well.
Luckily I still remembered how to sing the World Song as well.
If Miss Low was there, I wouldn’t be typing this entry right now. Seriously.
I saw Jeanette! ;D And also Rebecca.
Rachel looked pretty freaked out that I knew quite a lot about her. Haha, sorry for the unnecessary shock.
And now, I finally know who is the Florence Natalie had been telling me about! Took pictures with all of them. :D
Knots, Bing Bong and the HaHa game.
Really sporting people we had there. (:
Had fun at Convent, really. It had been a looooong time since I had fun at a Girl Guide event. Never regretted for attending.
It would had been more fun if Sham was there!
Before tuition, things were pretty hectic, since Gup, Khai, Jia Ying and I went to Pelangi and came back in, 15 minutes before classes started.
Khai even brought me around to see the wedding gowns that were on display. Major loves.
I still can’t believe I made it back in time.
Oh yeah, Khai gave me invaluable advice on how to cross the road from Pelangi back to Omega, and vice versa. I need more help before I can learn how to do that by my own. ;)
Sunday, 7th March 2010.
Six hours of tuition, and also the day that I could not make it to Paramore’s concert. Damn it.
Mr Lim called me something really random during Chemistry class.
And he even repeated it three more times.
Goodness gracious.
And I got mistaken for wearing a couple tee with somebody from my Add Math tuition. Gee, thanks a lot, Cassan and Min Wen. =.=
Physics after that, was electrifying. No kidding!
I like Mr Lee’s classes a lot, just because he teaches in a fun way and all of us really get to bond in his class.
Like how all the girls were positively charged and the guys were negatively charged that day. We all felt this electrifying sensation right after Khai let go of that wire thingy. Oh my gawd, freaky much! But still awesome shiatz. ;D
Shahirah, my former seatmate from SMK PJ 2 in now in the same Physics class as me! After four years of not seeing each other face to face, it was seriously a reunion. (:
For my own good, I had been thinking about it.
I might be going on a permanent hiatus for this blog of mine till SPM is over.
Maybe the occasional Facebook-ing, MSN, and Tumblr.
We'll see.
Till then, cheers!
I might be going on a permanent hiatus for this blog of mine till SPM is over.
Maybe the occasional Facebook-ing, MSN, and Tumblr.
We'll see.
Till then, cheers!

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