Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Relighting the Sparks.


It's adieu to 2008 and in comes 2009.

And let this last entry of the year be something that shall bring back all the memories that had been the highlights of my life this particular year.

(1) Joining Debate.

Being a debater really changed my perspective and point of views on every single possible aspect in life for me. Though I was only the reserve and the search engine then, but my eyes really opened up and how much did I realized how narrow-minded I actually was to everything and everyone around me. There were times how Sherylee used to give a nice whack on my head all because I didn't finish up Najwa's script in one way or another, how Miss Nav always says my name out loud in that tone when I'm not giving any productive ideas, how Mag always teaches me Math as I was a real dunce at it 'cos I was missing a hell lot of classes then, and of course, the fun times I had with my friends and getting to know a friend better - who is now my husband Najwa Hanee Hazza =)

(2) IIUM 2008.

This was a worldly experience I can never quite forget. The chaos, the competitiveness, the spontaneous moments, the slips of the tongues, the drama, the panicking and suspense, the time spent with the beloved junior team (: Jasmine who was always there for me, Naomi the straightforward whip and Gurpreet for just being supportive. I apologize to all three of you for my bitchiness that time. But I'm really proud to call all three of you my closest debate pals, which nobody else can ever be (:

(3) Sport's Day 2008.

Actually, I don't miss the event, I just missed the camwhoring session with these peeps here! :D And not having to march for this year was AWESOME, if I do say so myself. Lol.

(4) MPO - Genting Trip 2008.

This was when I started to connect and get in touch with my wild side, all thanks to Katerina Mawar, my personal Daredevil xD Can you believe she made me go on the craziest rides with her, with me who had NEVER been on a rollercoaster before? Insane, but I miss those times much. And I bunked with Rozi for two whole nights! Also I can't forget how I got locked out from the hotel room on the first night, whereas Rozi wasn't back shopping yet, so I had to seek refuge in Pn Yew's room which was just at the opposite side! Those times, we were cursing the freaking keycards for not working after replacing them around 3 to 4 times! In the end, they sent someone to repair the lock XD I miss MPO and I haven't even blogged about it! Will do, will do. Heheh.

(5) Bon Odori 2008.

Jasmine Ho was always there for me during this trip, I can really depend on her, and we spent a very bumpy time together, especially in the bus! Lol. And I know I hadn't blog about this, but I will! I'm so good at procrastinating. Heh.

(6) Larian Perpaduan SIGS 2008.

This would be the very first time where all of us let loose and went all patriotic, singing patriotic songs all the way while carrying our beloved country's flag without feeling embarrassed! We even talked and said hi to random passing drivers! XD

(7) Singapore Trip and Mini RYLA Gathering!

First time going to Singapore, lame I know, but at least I'd been there now alright? Went there with my bro and much beloved aunt and did we ever shop like shopaholics! With a limit of course, and excluding my bro who was in charge of carrying the bags. Lol. Managed to make it back to CS to meet up with the RYLA-rians, even though it's only for a short time, but still, can I say that it's time well spent? ;)

(8) Lawatan Sambil Belajar 2008.

Organized secretly by Jasmine Ho, the one and only tour guide, we got misled into following her on the same day we were suppose to help out with the SPM results back in school. Boy, I still have a grudge on the girl! We walked and ran for I don't know how long! Read my blog post about it if you want to know the details x]

(9) High School Musical!

A bunch of us did a dance to HSM's We're All In This Together, and our practice sessions were totally rockin'! Especially on the day when it was raining real heavily, and all of us got dragged, thrown and pushed into the rain with the drain waters flooding the entire corridor! Also, I can never forget those moments when I was selected by everybody to be Sharpay Evans! Excuse me, I'm even better than the original herself, alrighty? Just joking! =P

(10) Interact-Related Activities!

Craziness! RYLA is also included here, with it being the main star! I really discovered the real me through Interact, and I must say, I'm proud to be an Interactor! ;) And getting to know all the new friends I made, I just believe joining Interact really made 2008 a much better year for me! Especially RYLA '08! Read my pre-RYLA post for details! I miss all of them so much! D=

(11) Doing the Cak!

All the Caklempong performances we did this year, we rocked socks! I loved skipping certain classes just to hang with these people! xD

(12) Green Cheesers!

Yes, I got to create the Ultimate Green Cheese with my partner-in-crime Geetha aka my fellow Green Cheeser! I love her to bits, she's the ultimate niceness! Had a great time hanging out with her during RIMUP and the outing with Hamsha aka Hmsha and Rica dear! We had our first fish spa experience too together! =D

(13) SKST Gathering for the year '05.

We all moved on and went to different schools, but that doesn't stop us from getting together again! I heart our year the most! ;D

(14) Perfection Indeed.

I have Mr Perfect in my life, and I'm really blessed and satisfied with the fact indeed. I'm lucky. Seriously. And no picture 'cos I want his identity to be all mysterious to the majority of you that doesn't know who he is yet x]

(15) Loving You, Loving Me!

Then again, I have Mr Sayang aka Farhan who's the best Mr Sayang anybody can ever get! He made my year end quite memorable and I'm proud to show him off as my Mr Sayang! I heart him! x]

(16) PMR Results!

We succeeded in this ah-mazing feat! Yay us!

(17) So-Called Prom '08.

It was a mess indeed, but the friends there made the day oh so much the better! What with the coolest band NEXT performing like the real rockstars!


Need I say more? =)

(19) Loved From Afar.

I love my childhood bestie from Aussie Terri so freaking much, I miss this girl so! We'd been friends since we were in diapers, no kidding! =D

I also love my hardarse Dee dearie who's from KL, she's one special and unique rocker and I'm glad I got to know her in 2008! So meeting up with her in 2009 hopefully! ;)

(20) A New Life!

And our darling here fought well in the battle against the same species as he is! Proud of you, son! xDD

And finally, what made the schooling year worthwhile.

(21) 3 PD 1 '08.


I love 2008!

It really had been a freaking fulfilling year for me.




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Hello there! You must have guessed by now – this is Leonie here, and I have no intention of boring you out with a long introduction of yours truly.

I have to admit though – I’m quite an interesting individual; those who know me can confirm that, and those who don’t…I don’t mean to brag, but you’re definitely missing out!

Feel free to click here to get to know me a little bit better! No worries, I’m very friendly and I won’t bite!

enjoy reading the Fool in Frames!